The Meeting
Tonight, Zoe and I shared some pints with the infamous...and highly secretive...Matt & Cat. For those that have not noticed the links, Mat & Cat run Matt & Cat's Isle of Wight Eating Out Guide. It is the only true dining guide for the IOW. In order to preserve Matt & Cat's anonymity, we obscured their protect their reviewer status. After all, Matt & Catt help me through my island visits by writing great reviews and posting great pictures of pubs and restaurants.
Outside of e-mail's and Flickr comments, we had never spoken before. It was great to meet someone who shares such a passion for great good, fabulous beer, and Gilligan's Island. Uh...just kidding on the last, that was more of a cultural curiosity than anything else...right Cat? We had a great time and hope to get together with them in the future.