What's on the Grill #53

Turkey Dinner, originally uploaded by Another Pint Please....

Rotisserie Turkey and Grilled Ham! Last night was Christmas Part II. Unfortunately, due to a really bad cold, Dad was unable to attend. He missed out, because we had quite the spread. The turkey, brined and "rotisseried" as usual, turned out nice. In honor of my brothers, we "grilled" a ham that was served with a spicy cherry sauce that my Mom used to make. The recipe was from an old Better Homes and Garden Cook Book.

Zoe made her always to die for Pavlova and a wonderful "American Style" Fudge Cake. I say "American Style" because it was from an English recipe. So, more or less, what you have is an "American Style" chocolate fudge cake made in America by an Englishwoman using American and English ingredients. Regardless of the lineage of the desert, it was lovely!


Living in the Limelight


What to do with all of that coal I got for Christmas?