Grilled Zucchini: What's on the Grill #114

Grilled Zucchini!  If I had to pick one go-to vegetable for the grill, that I also can never spell right the first time, it would be zucchini.  With almost no prep and a fast grill time, zucchini is a great introductory vegetable for those that look at grilling as only a hamburger/hot dog tool.

My enjoyment of zucchinis is strange seeing they are a member of the cucumber and melon family and neither cucumbers or melons are ranked high on my food like list.  Maybe if I grilled the melon...

Zucchini are great either grilled as slices or hollowed out into zucchini boats.  With the middle scooped out you can mix the removed zucchini with bread crumbs and cheese and then re-stuff it in to the cavity.

My preferred method is to take a zucchini and slice it lengthwise.  Rub both sides of the zucchini slices with olive oil and then season with oregano.  Grill the zucchini over direct medium heat approximately 3 minutes a side, turning once.

Grilled vegetables are a great addition to any meal and readers of this blog will know that grilled zucchini is never a stranger.  I just may have some more tonight.




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