Maple Glazed Pork Tenderloin
...with spinach and black bean salad. I love beef tenderloin and I love pork. However, I've always been so-so on pork tenderloin. When I think pork, I think fat. When I think pork tenderloin, I think of non-fatty pork. As an aside, when I think of Porky's, I think of the movie.
Anyway, although pork tenderloin is lean, it can still be quite good grilled. It can be even better when matched with my all time favorite spinach and black bean salad...and even better when matched with Dave's Imperial Stout.
Dave's beer arrived on my desk at work this week, unexpectedly, but much appreciated. After my confusion with homebrew roulette over the weekend, Dave made sure to remedy my homebrew identification deficiencies. His efforts and brew, were much appreciated.

When it comes to grilling, I like to be prepared. In fact, I'm often pretty anal about it. If it weren't for my prep bowls and pinch cups, I would be lost.

Organization is especially important when grilling multiple items at one time. Tonight is a prime example: two meals on one kettle, one chimney of charcoal and one big beer.
Maple Glazed Pork Tenderloin
2 pork tenderloins
6 tbls maple syrup
4 tbls apple cider vinegar
2 tsp dijon mustard
canola oil
salt & pepper
1. Pork tenderloin typically come with two loins per package. Separate the tenderloins, remove any excessive fat and the silverskin.

2. Prep the grill for indirect medium, with a two zone fire.

3. Whisk together the glaze ingredients, the syrup, cider vinegar and mustard. Set aside.

4. With the tenderloins prepped, lightly oil with canola and season with salt and pepper.

5. Sear the tenderloins over direct heat. Approximately 2-3 minutes a side. Once browned, move the tenderloins to the indirect side of the grill and brush with the glaze.

6. Continue cooking the tenderloins for another 25-30 minutes, or until the internal temperature reaches 155 degrees, applying glaze every 10 minutes, or so.
Spinach and Black Bean Salad
Adapted from Weber's Charcoal Grilling
1 tbls canola oil
1/2 cup diced onion
1 tsp diced garlic
4 cups of chopped spinach
1 can of black beans, rinsed
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp fresh lime juice
1. Heat a cast iron skillet over direct heat. In my case, as soon as i moved the tenderloins, I put the skillet in their place.
2. Heat the canola oil n the skillet. Once hot, add the garlic and stir for a minute. Add the onion and continue to stir occasionally until translucent.

3. Add the spinach and then the beans. Stir, and then add the oregano and lime juice.

4. Mix well and remove from the heat.
Slice the pork, serve up the spinach and eat.
As I mentioned before, this is a one grill meal. I find something incredibly satisfying about making multiple things over one fire.

Especially this meal. The tenderloin worked really well and the spinach salad, something I have quite a bit, is almost a meal all by itself. If you have any extra glaze, add it to your pork before serving. The sweetness makes up for the lack of fat in the meat by adding in just a bit more flavor. Oh, and I almost forgot. If you are looking for a great beer to go with pork tenderloin, I wholeheartedly recommend an Imperial Stout. Dave's beer, with it's chocolate malt finish, added just the right touch to my one grill feast. Pork, spinach and beer....I'm a happy man.