Sam Adams Single Batch: Third Voyage

My second Single Batch selection was easy, Third Voyage, the Double IPA.  I love hops, so the attraction was immediate.

According to the fact sheet, Third Voyage was brewed with cascade hops, all grown in areas of Capt. James Cook's route from England to New Zealand to the Pacific Northwest.  As the name suggests, it was his "third" voyage.

Third Voyage

I found Third Voyage to have a very flowery nose.  It poured a beautiful amber color.  Being a double IPA, the hops hit right away.   An earthy bitterness slowing faded to a sweet finish along with strong hits of Grapefruit and pine.  The ABV clocks in at 8 %, but it's presence was fairly subdued.

This was a solid Double IPA.  Although, I would like to have another, as even though I liked it, I'm not sure how memorable it really is.  Two down and two to go.

For a more intelligent tasting, here again is Jim Koch:

Note: Thanks to the great folks at Samuel Adams for providing me with these Single Batch beers.   I salute you.


Brew Day: Thanksgiving Edition


What's on the Grill #233: Stuffed Flank Steak