Treo Amigo

Although Colchester is filled with buildings dated from the 18th & 19th century, leave it to a geek to find one called PC World built in 2000.

I neglected to bring an international charger for my Treo and further afraid that if I simply changed the plug with a travel adapter, the 220 volt electric love tap the English pipe through their homes would fry my Treo beyond recognition. So, to remedy the situation and make the Treo functional, I found this local supplier of Palm accessories.

Ian was kind of enough to drive me to the store and once inside, I picked up my charger. The only difference between PC World and Best Buy is that everything is priced in Pounds and all of the employees wear suits. Very different...but at the same time very comforting. At least when the PC World employees push the extra warranty coverage for your latest purchase, they look nice.

They even had an XBOX 360 display with no XBOX 360's. It's like I never left home. Oh yeah...and the automatic door didn't open fast enough for me and I almost struck it. Yeah, that really reminds me of home. I always thought I would be caught by some store surveillance video walking into a door that didn't open and get stuck on a show like America's Craziest Store Surveillance Videos . After today, I can now change my show title to World's Craziest Store Surveillance Videos.

Oh well, off to charge my Treo.

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