Wedding Day...Part 1

After a good night's sleep, we woke up and headed into the High Street to run a last minute errand for Keith and to grab a coffee. One of the biggest differences between home and the UK is the density of the population. Most everything can be easily accessible by foot if you are not too far from the town center. Unlike home where you have to drive everywhere, most shops here are conveniently located in one stop. James has a house close to the High Street, so a short walk found us in the middle of a bustling morning of early shoppers.
If you look on the left, you will see a Starbucks and further on, The Gap. In terms of retail, there are some American similarities.

After a quick coffee and a stroll by a wall the Roman Empire built hundreds of years ago, we packed up and headed to the site of the wedding: Quendon Hall.

The Wedding


Rewind...Wedding Eve