The Day After...

Well, I just finished hammering out a letter to Gerald Grinstein, the CEO of Delta. I am sure that it will do absolutely no good...but I feel better having written it.

Not that I really want to re-hash the event, but.......the weather I can understand. It sucks, but hey, that's weather. What does make me mad is the whole fuel debacle in Atlanta. When you are sitting on a plane for three hours and get one update an hour, that is not enough. Apparently the automatic fuel system had some sort of problem and the remedy was to fuel the plane from the top of the wing, via gravity. We were told that a "fuel truck" was on its way to "top us off". So naturally, everyone kept looking for a fuel truck to show up. After over an hour...nothing.

After we de-planned...because there was getting ready to be a riot, the problem appeared to have been fixed by some guy on a step ladder. Now I do not know squat about fueling a plane, but I do understand redundancy and back-up's. The fact that something as simple as fueling a plane stymied a ground crew at Delta's hub is utterly ridiculous.

So, long story short and bad Treo pictures later, we made it home a day late. What is the first thing I did? Fired up the grill, what else?

Roll on weekend...


