Mike Lang

Dinner, Indian Style...

Mike Lang

Last night for dinner, Keith & Michelle arranged an evening out with a bunch of their close friends. We had already met everyone before on our previous trip for Keith & Michelle's wedding. So, it was great to hook up again and pick up where we left off. Keith & Michelle have a wonderful group of friends and I have always appreciated how their friends made us feel welcome.

Everyone in this group shares a love of Indian food. Of course by Indian I mean the country, not the reservation. I have wanted to try Indian for sometime, but have never gotten around to it. There are a few Indian restaurants in Dayton, but in England they are everywhere. Even on Mersea! The English's appreciation of Indian food shows why the curry is replacing fish and chips as the quintessential English dish.

The twelve of us shuttled down to the local Indian restaurant, Titash. The menu was expansive and I felt once again as if I was spoiled for choice. I also wanted to make sure that I did not get something too hot, because I did not want to ruin Zoe's night sleep...or anyone that wanted to come within 10 feet of me within the next 24 hours. I am sure that you can understand.

I settled on a medium garlic chicken curry and the nice thing was, everyone shared the dishes that they ordered...so I really had a bit of everything. It was outstanding. I really, really liked it. I found it similar to Asian...but in other ways, totally different. Most dishes were a delicate balance of sweet and heat. It was a wonderful experience.

Well I have made a pledge to actually try that out of the way Indian place back home. I am curious to see how it compares.

The evening ended way to soon, but it was great to see everyone again.