Mike Lang

Kiss Them Bricks...

Mike Lang
For something different, Zoe planned a short day excursion to Indianapolis and the Motor Speedway. The last time I had been to the track was sometime in the eighties. We took the track tour and saw the museum. It was a good time. What we did not realize was that this time we signed up for the "behind the scenes" tour. Not only did we get the track tour, we also got to get on the track and walk around. We toured the Pagoda which houses the media, broadcast booths, timing officials...everything. It was a really neat experience and this is coming from someone that watches almost no racing. I am not some kind of closet NASCAR or Forumla One fan giving this review. I can proudly say that I am really fairly ignorant of the whole thing except the fact that I now know a lot of money goes in and out of those sports...a lot.

The hospitality suites in the Pagoda will cost you around $80 - $100,000 for a race...and that is only for 80 people. Yup...it looks pretty good on my TV back home. Outside of Lewis stopping by, there are no drunks to block my way to the bathroom and the food? Why it's free...sorta.

If you get a chance to take the tour, do it. Even for non-race fans...and by "non-race fans", I don't mean the family that showed up wearing Tony Stewart memorabilia from head to toe and when I say "head to toe", I mean socks and shoes too folks. The staff was incredible, knowledgeable and friendly. With only sixteen of us on the tour, it is hard to imagine what that place is like packed with 300,000 people...amazing.