What's on the Grill #19

Beer-Butt Chicken. This was the test. After having so much rotisseries success the last few months, I had to "go back to my roots" and try a chicken on the performer. It was a simple chicken rubbed with garlic, paprika, pepper, salt and orange peel. The can of expendable Miller Lite was filled with a little bit of fresh rosemary from the garden. The verdict? Zoe preferred the rotisserie and I unfortunately, have to agree...although not by much. As one would expect, the rotisserie was just a little more moist. The flavor, however, was just as good on the kettle. Beer Butt gives you more of that smoked type doneness...even though I didn't use any smoke. To each his own...it was still a great meal. Oh and Bean's, verdict...I guess he liked it...he just never stopped eating to let anyone know!

The Biggest Decision of the Weekend


And then there was Emma