Mike LangGrilling

What's on the Grill #24

Mike LangGrilling

Pizza! Homemade pizza is a big favorite here. Although we typically use packaged sauce (Not everything can be from scratch after all), we make homemade dough from scratch and then add a myriad of toppings. For traditional, we will add pepperoni and grilled sausage or for a more artisan approach, we make a lovely prosciutti, feta and sage. Typically, I make pizza in "ye ole oven". However, tonight I figured I should try it on the grill. I have been sort of daydreaming of a wood burning pizza oven, but that is not really in the cards. Since we have typically been doing convection oven pizza's, I have used "crisper" pans for the pizzas. I attempted pizza on the kettle before, but for tonight, since Eric and the blootered gang were over, I figured let's just try and recreate the oven...I used the 650.

For the maiden attempt, the results were pretty good. I worked the outside burners at first, but because the temp was a little low, I ended up firing up the center burners on low. Ideally, I would like to get some kind of tile to line the grates, but for tonight, the pizza trays were great. I refuse to pay for one of those "pizza tiles" at Williams-Sonoma. First of all, they only fit a twelve inch pizza...I always do eighteens. Secondly, $150 for a big stone seems a little excessively. I am happy so far. A little bit more experimentation and I may be on to something here...