Duck or Grouse!

For the uninformed, Bob is a truly amazing wood carver. He also isn't too bad with clay. Anyways, last June we "commissioned" Bob to make a new sign for us. He has carved several in the past, including most notably his "Through these portals pass seekers of fine spirits and ales" sign. However, while at a pub on our last trip to IOW, I noticed a sign at the Bargeman's Rest that read "Duck or Grouse". Since the oldest part of our home was built in the 1930's, the basement has a rather low ceiling and getting to the basement means you have to "duck". What a better place for a sign? I know for a fact, a good bit of the skin off the top of my head adorns the ceiling to the basement...and I live here. Hopefully this sign will warn visitors, new and old alike:

Duck or Grouse

What's on the Grill #38


Raise the Colors!