Mike LangBeer, Grilling

Ribs Go Round and Round

Mike LangBeer, Grilling
Tonight will be "What's on the Grill's: Face-Off!" For sometime, I have been thinking about trying a rack of ribs on the rotisserie. It was just one of those things that I thought I would try. In the middle of a thread over at BBQSource-Forums, a fellow griller brought up rotisserie ribs. With ribs already on the agenda for tonight, I figured let's have a little Face-Off! and see how they compare.

Rotisserie Ribs

So, Zoe had picked up three racks of ribs at Sam's. I prepped all three the same with a rub I threw together. I prepped cherry wood chips for the smoke and set up both the Performer and the 650. The magical moment had arrived. I skewered one rack of ribs and placed them on the 650. Let the spinning begin.

Done spinning

The rotisserie finished a little bit before the Performer. Not too surprised there. But, the most exciting part of the evening, besides the Face-Off!, was the sauce. Mike, a friend of mine from New York, sent me a sauce recipe awhile back and I finally got around to making it tonight. I knew from the beginning that when I saw Mike had combined the trifecta of sweetness: honey, molasses and brown sugar, that it was going to be good and boy was it. I brushed the sauce on for the last twenty minute of cooking. The results were incredible. If you can imagine a sweet, sticky and smokey sauce, that was exactly what it was.

A couple of racks

Now, the results of the Face-Off! We all agreed that the rotisserie ribs edged out the Performer ribs. I am not really too surprised either when you look at at how both are cooked. But of course, the real winner of the night was the sauce...that glorious sauce. Thanks Mike!