Mike Lang


Mike Lang

We watched Die Hard 2 last night. I forgot how enjoyable of a movie it is. After liking Live Free or Die Hard, we decided to stroll back in the catalog to revisit McClane's earlier efforts. Although I am sad to say we did not watch the BluRay transfers, the new DVD still looked pretty good and the DTS sound track was quite lively. It is funny to go back and watch a movie from the nineties to really see how far we have come...or regressed depending on your point of view. Beepers, public smoking, public pay phones and the never ending dropping of the F-Bomb...where did that go in the movies? In Die Hard 2, it was everywhere. Hilarious. Perhaps it was just seeing Dennis Franz, who was channeling a yet to be cast Andy Sipowicz on NYPD Blue.

If you have not seen it in awhile, rent it or buy it. But whatever you do, do not watch it on television. Outside of the movie most likely being presented in pan and scan, you will also have to endure every bad dub over of potentially offensive dialogue. To me, that ruins a movie. Yippe Ki-Yay Mother Farmer....Puhleeze.