Going to Vegas
Going to Vegas, originally uploaded by Another Pint Please....
When you get your wife a gift and she cries, you have either tanked royally or hit the nail on the head. For me, it was the later!
I scored us (Read: Zoe) tickets to go see George Michael in Las Vegas in June. To put this into perspective, twenty years ago a young English girl was hitting local nightclubs dancing away to the "infectious" beats of George Michael. At the same time, thousands of miles away, yours truly was making unbelievable fun of a car pool companion that actually had the guts to wear a George Michael concert t-shirt that he purchased at an actual George Michael concert the night before. Fast forward 20 years and the nightclub dancing girl and the guy who doesn't really like George Michael are going to see him live. Wow, how times have changed.
In order to surprise Zoe, I found a Flickr picture of the MGM Grand Arena and pasted George's face to it. On the back of the card, I wrote the words: "What you will be seeing..." It took her several seconds to decipher my riddle. She was amazed and I was stoked.
Now originally, I had planned to give her the card in the restroom of our local park. However, common sense prevailed. They close at dusk...duh!
Since finding out, Zoe has time warped back twenty years. George's music has been an integral part of her life and seeing him will truly be an amazing experience. I can't wait...to go there and eat, I hear they have really good buffets.