What's on the Grill #91

Grilled Asian Shortribs

Asian Style Short Ribs!  Several years ago, I grilled my first short ribs based on a recipe from the red Weber cookbook.  At the time, I had picked the ribs up at the store because they were cheap and different looking.  I was up for experimenting apparently.  The ribs are cut into approximately 2 inch long sections of individual bone with a large amount of meat still on top.  This Wikipedia entry can probably give you a better explanation that I can. 

The ribs are prepped by slicing the top section of meat horizontal to the bone so that you can essentially unfold it and lay it flat.  You make two cuts in order to stretch it out.  The Weber book gives a great illustration on how this is accomplished.  In the future, I will try and post some pictures. 

My first round of short ribs was fantastic.  I remember thinking at the time, "I need to make these again!"  Well, I didn't...until now.

We were at the store over the weekend, and I again spied some short ribs.  It was one of those times when Zoë walks on through the store and I just hang out in the meat department...looking.  Anyway, upon spying the short ribs, I immediately remembered my previous experiment and decided to go at it again.  Fortunately, my memory did not let me down. 

The recipe calls for a marinade of soy sauce, ginger, brown sugar, rice vinegar and garlic.  The ribs are supposed to sit for at least twelve hours.  I only gave them three, I was pressed for time.  Unlike most ribs, short ribs are grilled hot and fast.  No more than 10 minutes total.  Keep in mind, these ribs demand the use of your fingers...and your tongue.  The beautiful sweet and garlicky marinade made me want to lick the bones for every last bit of meat.  I'm not that sick, they were just that good.

For a small batch of short ribs, you are looking are more of an appetizer than a full meal.  All I know is that I am not going to go two years without having these again.  Next time you are perusing the meat counter, give them a try.  You won't be sorry. 


What's on the Grill?...Nothing!


What's on the Grill #90