Grilled Trout: What's on the Grill #124

Grilled Trout: What's on the Grill #124

Grilled trout with prosciutto wrapped asparagus, grilled baked potato and a “Rumnana” for dessert!  For some reason, as my grilling exploits typically and randomly start, I felt like something different tonight.  I have been meaning to try my hand at grilling a whole fish, but have put it off for some time.  Until now.

I'm lookn' at You!

My dinner’s journey started with a trip to the Dayton Fish Company.  It’s a great place on N. Main St.  My goal was to find something wild and fresh.  I could tell a joke here…but I wont!  I ended up with a whole rainbow trout for tonight, and a mahi mahi filet for tomorrow.

I opted to leave the head on the trout and this was only because Zoe was working tonight and I was grilling solo.  Zoe doesn’t like her food looking at her.  I took the trout and sliced four slits on each side of the body.  Inside the slits I stuffed sliced lemon and then put additional lemon slices, along with some oregano, in the cavity.  I covered both sides of the trout with salt and pepper and with the kettle set for indirect medium, placed the fish in the middle of the grate.

Wrapped Soldiers

At the same time I placed the fish, I also placed some small potatoes on the grill and ear of corn.  I cooked these indirect as well.


Since I planned on basting the trout every fifteen minutes with butter, I figured what better way to keep the butter ready, then by placing it in a ramekin on the grill.  The butter was melted, hot, and ready.  It worked well.

One Kettle, One Meal

After about 30 minutes, I added some asparagus wrapped with prosciutto.  They were grilled directly over the goals.  Fifteen minutes later, everything was done.

Grilled Rainbow Trout

It was a little tricky removing the flesh, but I managed fairly well without leaving too many bones in the flesh.  I would say that by far, this is some of the moistest fish I have had.  The lemon and oregano added just the right amount of flavor.  Simple, cheap, and delicious.


For dessert, I grilled what I call a “Rumnana”.  It is a variation of the banana boat I have grilled before.  I took the banana and sliced it open down the middle, while being careful not to cut all the way through the bottom layer of skin.  With the banana boat cut out, I added about a half an ounce of rum to the boat and then filled the rest with hot fudge.  The “Rumnana” was grilled indirect for about ten minutes.  Once done, I ate it with a pile of vanilla ice cream on top.  It is sort of an inside out banana split…with a little hint of rum.  Nothing like taking a fruit from nature and making it toxic.  Yum!