Mike LangDessert

Grilled Desserts

Mike LangDessert
Grilled Desserts

I received a message on Saturday morning from NPR about using one of my photos on their blog for a grilled dessert contest they were having.  Seeing all of my photos are licensed through Creative Commons, I said sure.  I also took the occasion to enter one of our go-to summer desserts, the inside out grilled banana split!  This post first documents the impetus for the idea.  I’ve taken it a little further with the sundae twist.  In my opinion bananas are an ideal fruit to grill, and can be used in a number of different ways.

Chocolate Banana Boat: Before

The “prize” for the contest is an interview on NPR.  Now how cool is that?  Get your recipes in here.

Inside Out Grilled Banana Splits

4 firm bananas

3 (or so) bars of your favorite chocolate (I’ve been told English chocolate is the best!)

1/4 cup crushed hazelnuts

ice cream

Take 4 firm bananas and slice a slit length-wise. Stuff the opening you just made with your favorite chocolate. Place the stuffed bananas over indirect medium heat for 10-15 minutes. When the banana peels have darkened and the chocolate melted, they are done.

Remove from the grill and top with ice cream and hazelnuts. You can eat them right out of the peel. No mess, no fuss, all good!