Ready the kettle!

Draining the wortWe learned this week (we, meaning our rag tag bunch of homebrewers) that the annual Oktoberfest celebration at the Dayton Art Institute will host a homebrew competition.  The Drew is already on course with a brew in mind.  I am also fairly certain that I will enter, as will Eric, Dave, and most likely Mike too.
Here are the relevant facts:
Intended for home brewers of beer made with non-commercial equipment, judging will be conducted by a panel of non-professional judges in three categories: Pale Ale/India Pale Ale, Wheat Beers (German or American) and Porter/Stout. The First Place Winner and Runner Up in each category will compete for Best in Show.
To even further reinforce the idea that all forms of creativity are art, each category will also be judged for Best Label, with those winners taking part in the Best in Show judging.  Home brewers are encouraged to design their most creative labels reflective of their personalities and the style of their brew.
The entrance fee is $25 per entry - all proceeds benefit The Dayton Art Institute! Prizes include:
  • One First Place Winner and one Runner Up Winner in each category shall be chosen by the judges.  Each First Place Winner will receive a large Oktoberfest mug and will be eligible for the Best in Show tasting.  Each Runner Up will be eligible for the Best in Show tasting.
  • The winner of the Best Label in each category will receive a small Oktoberfest mug and will be eligible for the Best in Show tasting.
  • A Best in Show winner will be selected based on a second tasting of all First Place, Runner Up and Best Label brews in each category (up to 9 brews).  This tasting will be Sunday afternoon of Oktoberfest weekend, with the formal announcement of Best in Show occurring at 4:00 p.m.  Best in Show will receive a Warsteiner Glass Beer Boot and bragging rights for one year!
My first observation is that there is no do doubt we are using “non-commercial” equipment.  Have you seen my cart?  Second, the categories are great.  I am leaning Porter.  Finally, if anything, I know we can come up with some good labels.  In fact, I can only imagine what Eric will come up with!
So, we shall plan our next brew session quickly.  If you are a local homebrewer, make plans to enter.  Seeing this is the first time out for the competition, let’s make sure there are enough entries to warrant the 2nd Annual Homebrew Competition!  It should be good times all around.

What’s on the Grill #143


Lego’s, Giraffe’s, & Rockets