Feed Me!

A little bit of heatLift Off

As Ninette at Big, Bold, Beautiful Food pointed out this summer, if you don’t feed your blog, it gets grumpy.  Well my blog is beyond grumpy, it’s downright pissed.  Posts have obviously been light the last couple of weeks.  OK, light is an exaggeration…try non-existent.  

This is not to say I wasn’t trying to get something online.  I tried a new pizza setup on the 26 inch kettle…it failed.  I grilled up a 2 pound Porterhouse last weekend and the pictures sucked, even though the meal was great. 

On top of all of this, I am super busy in “the real world” and most likely will have intermittent posting over the next four weeks.  However, once mid-November rolls around, I will be back on track looking for my next meal, and my next pint.

In the meantime:

I am excited to have two recent blog posts highlighted on Saveur.com’s “Sites We Love”, the next Backyard Brewing Society brewday is right around the corner, and Arrogant Bastard Week is less than a month away…which, by the by, I will start at Stone Brewing Company in California and end at Boston’s here in Dayton.  I can’t wait.


I’m back!


What’s on the Grill #151