Mike LangBeer

9 Beers to Christmas

Mike LangBeer

Alright, looks like my slightly date skewed beer advent calendar is back on target.  This evening’s bevy is Wychwood’s Bah Humbug! Christmas Ale.  For the record, I am huge fan of Wychwood’s brews, especially Hobgoblin (It was in last year’s countdown). Unfortunately, Bah Humbug sort of lives up to its name.

Wychwood's Bah Humbug!

Don’t get me wrong.  This is a good beer.  It is just not super memorable.  Bah Humbug has a nice caramel color with a malty nose.  The sweet malt flavor is the predominant taste, with a rather spice filled finish that sticks around (in a good way).  I rather prefer St. Peter however.  Plus, the St. Peter bottle doesn’t scare me as much.