Beer, Writing, Beer, & Pizza

I realized over the last 10 days, I have been a little lax in updates.  I blame this new thing called “deadlines”.  Everything somewhat culminated tonight, where I basically grilled two dinners for my upcoming article.  I am trying to get everything submitted to my editors mid week for review. Thankfully, everything went well and I’m happy with the recipes and pictures…which is saying something as of late!

First pull of the Hefe

In the meantime, I poured my first pint of my hefeweizen from last month, and am quite pleased.  The color was a little darker than expected, but the lime and coriander really stand out (in a good way, not in a “forgot my pants again” and here I am outside way).  At a little under 4% ABV, this will be a great beer for a 90 degree weekend.

Coming up, I need to recap Firkin Fest from last weekend, and tease FestiveAle this weekend, which includes a homebrew demo from Eric and me….crazy, eh?

Most importantly, I will soon follow-up with a little deep dish pizza revival I had late last week.  I can still taste it…stay tuned.


A Week Surrounded by Beer


Honey Glazed Rotisserie Chicken