Mike LangGrilling

Open Mouth, insert...whatever

Mike LangGrilling
This past weekend, Zoe and I traveled to Las Vegas to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Every time we go, Zoe always says it's the "last time", but somehow I manage to successfully debate beg a return trip. There are several things I love about Vegas: the heat, the people watching, the scenery and most importantly, the food.


On our last night, we were torn on where to eat and at the last minute decided on Michael Mina's Nobhill Tavern at the MGM Grand. This last minute decision turned out to be a great choice.

Starting off with a Chimay, my menu choice teetered from his Lobster Pot Pie and my go to favorite, a ribeye.

Although the Lobster Pot Pie looked incredible (I about broke my neck checking one out as it trolleyed its way to a table for serving), I wanted a steak since I had yet to have one in Sin City.

Well I ordered the ribeye and all I can say is: wow. I wasn't expecting much and I don't believe my low exceptions launched this well crafted piece of meat to the lofty height I was placing it, but man. This was a great steak. I ordered it medium rare and after cutting in, found a uniform warm pink middle throughout the whole steak. The beef was seared with a perfect crust and had, nor needed, any other adornments outside of some root vegetable and creamed spinach with crispy shallots I ordered on the side. The ribeye was the centerpiece.

As often happens when I have a piece of meat I really like, I try to figure how I can recreate it at home. Is it the rub, the preparation or just simply the meat? In this case, the meat was obviously prime, but there was one more thing I took away: salt. The steak was salty. Not too salty, but more salty than I usually have it. While reading Michael Ruhlman's Ratio
on the way home, he hit on the importance of salt. Ruhlman's comments and my experience set off my little grey cells.

From Above

On my next ribeye, I plan on upping the salt. My Doctor might frown, but I haven't been listening to him for some time.

Flame Lit

Next time I engage in a successful debate bribe to return to Vegas, I most definitely plan on a return trip to the Nobhill Tavern. I dare say, my ribeye was the best steak I've had and when you add in the service and atmosphere, it was really the best all the way around.