When is a Brew Day, not a Brew Day?

When you aren't brewing, as was the case for me last weekend. However, 3 of the Backyard Brewers did assemble and I did manage to swing by The Drew's to share a few pints, take in the smells and shoot a few pictures.

Eric & The Drew

Drew was joking about assigning "officers" for our little society and it was determined I could easily pull in "Historian".

Paddle & Kettle

As with any Brew Day, not only was there plenty of brewing, but grilled and fried food too. Drew had these incredibly delicious deep fried sausage wraps and later on had a chorizo stuffed fatty. I'm still bummed I missed the fatty.

Deep Fried Something

The weather was beautiful, which explained besides cleaner, tubing and airlocks, Eric's equipment box included suntan lotion. Bald guys learn these kind of things...just not this bald guy. I typically remember to apply suntan lotion by the time my head is already peeling.

HomeBrew Eqiupment

Showing up mid-brew, I was impressed at how calm everything seemed. I don't know if it was my detachment from my own brew process or as Dave aptly pointed out, we just have our roles down pat. There was plenty of time to sit, watch and laugh. A quick peek here to check a boil or a subtle alarm sounding to mark a hop addition, everything was just working great.

Hops In

On my way out, I couldn't but help take some more pictures of Drew's Beer Fridge.

The Love

Although I keep my kegs in a fridge, I have yet to hook up exterior taps. I need to, so I shot this to nudge me into the project. Check out the cool use of a drywall pan as a drip tray on the front door. Typical Drew ingenuity.

The Drew's Fridge
The Door

The next Brew Day will be in November. I will be there hoping I'm not the reason things always seem hectic when the Society convenes, because for this Brew Day, the guys had a perfect relaxing day of beer creation.


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Planked Haddock with Lemon Zest Tartar Sauce