Bastard Week and Things

As I talked about before, Arrogant Bastard Week kicked off Friday at Midnight, which for old folk like me translates to kick off time: Saturday afternoon.  Keeping up with traditions, we swung down to Boston’s to help the cause.

Bastard Week

Entirely unplanned, the whole gang mostly wanders in minutes after one another.  Odd how those things happen.

Helping the Bastard Cause

After having a Bastardastic good time, Zoe and I headed home to enjoy our last few days together before she shot off to Singapore this morning to holiday with her friend Michelle.  I mention Michelle specifically, because it was for her wedding, or rather my experiences at her wedding, this blog was originally created. 

As long time readers of this blog also know, when Mrs. APP is out of the country, there is only one definitive date on the horizon: ManNight. 

Trophy of Man

The Man trophy is out, as well as pictures of two of the most prolific symbols of Manhood: James Tiberius Kirk and some pissed looking Tiger. Good times await.


ManNight 2010: Super Hero Edition


Calling all Bastards