1 Beer to Christmas

Meantime London Porter.  Wow, the last beer (well, of this countdown).  This entire process, while entirely enjoyable for the palate, reminds me why I don’t blog daily.  It’s a lot of work!

1 Beer to  Christmas

This was really a great beer. I’ve never experienced anything from Meantime in England before, but if this is a indication of what they are making, I’m impressed.

Bottled and corked in a champagne bottle, it poured black with a one finger head.  I find a lot of Porter’s really nail you on the roasted malt.  Here, the roast was present, but subtly smooth and really masked by the overall sweet malt.  A porter is one of my favorite beers and I want this one again.

Thanks for joining me on the countdown.  As always it’s a lot of fun.  Oh, and a thanks to Zoe for making it all happen.  I’ll be sure to grease the skids next November so she will be encouraged to do it all over again!  Well, judging by the number of empty bottles around me, I’d say Christmas has arrived!  Cheers!


Christmas Timing


Merry Christmas