Samuel Adams Single Batch: Griffin's Bow

I'm usually fairly up to date with what Samuel Adams is up to.  That being said, I must have let my guard down, because their "Single Batch" series totally caught me off guard.

Sam Adams: Single Batch

Billed as a limited edition collection of their brewer's favorite beers, the descriptions alone already have me wishing I could find these on tap at my local.  And, if I can't, it sounds like I really need to plan that trip to Boston.

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After glancing over the batch, I immediately shot towards Griffin's Bow.  For me, this was a little odd.  Griffin's Bow is a barley wine and although I am a fan of big beers, barley wines typically tend to not be my favorite style. Well, much like this "Single Batch" caught me off guard, so did Griffin's Bow.

Griffin's Bow

Griffin's Bow is a golden ale barley wine.  I found the nose to be rather citrusy, with notes of grapefruit.  My first taste made me think, "yup, golden ale!".  This minor note, was quickly followed by tastes of lemon, more grapefruit, some lingering dark fruit towards the finish and the wonderful earthy hint of oak.

By far the biggest thing I took away, was the complete lack of overpowering alcohol hit.  With an ABV at 11.5 % ABV, I found this amazing.  The reason I always steer clear of barley wines is because I find the in your face alcohol taste off putting, compared to all of the wonderful notes you get from lower ABV beers.  Griffin's Bow is a complete sleeper in that category, and I loved it.

In the end, don't listen to my layman's meandering.  Here is Jim Koch telling it how it is.  After making my notes, I watched his.  I'm glad I wasn't imaging things.  This is really a great beer and his description brings it home.

Note: Thanks to the great folks at Samuel Adams for providing me with these Single Batch beers.  You are my heroes.


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