9 Beers to Christmas

For #9, we are heading to England.  It's Morocco Ale, from Daleside brewery, creators of the annual favorite, Old Leg Over.  I am certainly partial of beers from the United Kingdom, especially when you consider their history.  According to legend, Morocco Ale is based on a recipe over 300 years old and traces itself back to the roots of King Charles II.  All well and good, but how does it taste?


Actually, quite good.  The nose was pure raisin.  It poured with very little head retention.  My first taste immediately reminded me of Christmas Cake, which then yielded itself to more raisins, toffee and a malty finish.  There was almost no detectable hops.  This is a big malty beer and for my tastebuds, that is great.  The only thing missing was a pub with really low ceilings, old wooden chairs, a uneven stone floor and a roaring hot fire.  Oh, and more Morocco Ale.


8 Beers to Christmas


10 Beers to Christmas