2011, the year of the pepper beer

Last week on Twitter, I followed a link to a 2011 "best of" craft beer list.  I was surprised, yet not that really surprised, to see two beers that really had an impact on me in 2011: Left Hand Brewing's Fade to Black and Stone Brewing Company's Vertical Epic '11.


Stranger yet, both beers happen to be infused with chili peppers.  Although I've been lucky to have a lot of "good" beers in the last year, a lot of those, truthfully, aren't necessarily memorable.  It really takes something to stand apart from the pack and for 2011, I'm giving distinction to the pepper.

Although not in the aforementioned top 10 list, Stone's Smoked Chipotle Porter is also outstanding.  I had a couple on Friday night at my local.  Simply, incredible and definitely memorable.

Stone Verrtical Epic 11

The Vertical is an ale using belgian yeast.  It pours with a large head, indicative of the style.  The pepper blends in well to the background and lingers nicely on the finish.  It's kind of like having a good friend around for the day.  You know they are there, appreciate their company and by lunch are really glad to have them around, as they make everything better.

I've got one bottle saved for the series finish next year and one more for when I get the courage to break it out of holding for a special occasion.  When Stone's Vertical Epic series are gone, they're gone.

Fade to Black is all hot pepper.  It's a porter, which happens to be one of my favorite styles.  Taking this into account, along with the pepper heat from beginning to end, you have the making of a memorable beer.  If you have not had it, and have a love for all things hot, I can't recommend it enough.

In short, I can certainly validate this "best of" list.  I'm just lucky enough to have stumbled across two of the beers that help make it.  In the past, I certainly viewed peppery beers as a fad, but Stone & Left Hand have shown that when applied correctly, chili peppers really take beer to a whole new level…and a few top ten lists, too.

All-time Top Brewery on Planet Earth



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What's on the Grill #236: Mexican Shredded Pork Stuffed Peppers