Relatively Wordless Wednesday

Stone's Ruination IPA & Boulder Beer's Mojo Risin'.  I took this photo with my iPhone camera app, Instagram.  Instagram is a photo sharing app, currently only available for iOS, but rumors persist it will soon be available on Android as well.  You take a picture, apply a filter, add some tilt-shift and share.  Or, as in the photo below, forgot the filter, use a little tilt shift and share.

Ruination & Mojo Risin....IPA Friday

Did I mention I love Instagram?  As technology improves and the smart phone replaces the traditional point and shoot camera, Instagram is what I considered Flickr from 5 years ago.  Granted the footprint of the social network is much smaller and the technical nature of the photographs is inferior, the simplicity of sharing, the ease of capturing an image and the creative use of filters is second to none.

Under very rare circumstances would I consider applying a tech heavy filter to a photograph taken with my Canon 7D.  However, when creativity hits in the fraction of a second and all I have is my iPhone & Instagram…I'm all over it.  Take for instance my dinner the other night.

Dinner, thanks to the grill.

If you are sporting an iPhone and like taking pictures, go and download Instagram today.


What's on the Grill #240: The Veal Chop


Samuel Adams Single Batch: Cinder Bock