Samuel Adams: Verloren

The Samuel Adams Single Batch Series continues with Verloren.  This beer, inspired by the gose (pronounced like GOES-uh) style, dates back to the 10th century Saxony and although popular until the 1700's, was nearly lost last century.  Thankfully, it surfaces again.
Sam Adams: Verloren
The first thing that struck me about Verloren was the mouthfeel.  I love a full mouthfeel in a beer and Verloren delivers.  My first taste hit me with sweet malt and orange, which was quickly followed by hop bitterness and pepper.  As the beer warmed, I started to taste apricots too.  Lovely.
Samuel Adams
As of late, I have really gravitated towards beer in 22 ounce bottles.  Variety is the spice of life, especially when it comes to beer.  I would rather try one really big bottle, than wade through a six pack.  In the end, I liked Verloren a lot and the fact I can enjoy a rare and limited release beer in a big bottle, makes it just little bit better.
Beer is a beautiful living thing and sometimes a still photograph isn't enough to relay its beauty.  Sometimes you need moving pictures, too.  I'd call this new series Beer Porn, but frankly I'd hesitate to see my Google search traffic.  Instead, I'll just call it, Moving Beer.


Boston - Part 3 - Boston Beer


Boston - Part 2