Live, from England

Live, from England

When Another Pint Please started back in 2006 it was a travel blog.  My wife, Zoë, a regular "character" here on APP, hails from the Isle of Wight off the south coast of England.  Six years ago we were heading back across the pond to visit family and to celebrate the wedding of two wonderful friends of ours, Keith & Michelle.  The blog was my outlet to share our experiences back home.  Although beer and food played a key roll in those early days (and certainly plots the current course of APP), the heart of this blog was on the Isle of Wight.  Oh, and the title? My favorite pub phrase: Another pint, please.

Fast forward to 2012 and we are back, yet again.

Across the Solent

It's been exactly two years since I've been over.  Unfortunately, unlike in 2010 we won't be Walking the Wight again, but we will walk "a whole lot of the Wight".  It's one of our favorite things to do.  It's especially high on my list when it means walking past, or rather in to, a pub.  Zoë knows it's a great way of motivating me.

So, whenever you see a picture of the beautiful English countryside,

Towards Culver

a lamb,

Little Lamb

an old monument,

Freemantle Gate

or a stile,

Across the Stile

expect to see a picture of a pub:

The Griffin

The Griffin, pictured above, is the first pub we've hit.  After two weeks of rain, we somehow brought beautiful sunny weather to the island.  We took advantage of it and after a short country hike, slid in to the beer garden shortly after noon.

Tea Service

Although everyone else took to tea, I immediately wanted someone to pull my first pint.  I say "pull", as when in England, I try to only drink real ale.  Fizzy, gassy lager?  No thanks, I want something from a firkin.

Cask Ale

When given choice, I go local.  Yes, I love Old Speckled Hen, but when presented with two Isle of Wight breweries, I really can't pass them up, especially my first choice, Goddards.  

Pulling a Pint

With only a little bit of jet lag, it was great to sit outside under the warm sun and sip my first pint of the trip.

A pint of Goddards

Although I can sometimes get cask ale at home, there is really nothing like trying it in England.  Thankfully, I'm sure I will have a few more while I'm here.

So, please excuse my indulgences as I delve back to the roots of Another Pint Please and bring you my two week adventure of family, food, beer and occasionally inappropriate commentary.