10 Beers to Christmas

Beware of big things in small packages.  Or, in this case, 12% beers in less than 12 ounce bottles.

Scaldis Noel is  a strong Belgian Ale from the Dubuisson brewery in Wallonia, Belgium.  Although I can't pronounce Dubuisson and couldn't give you directions to Wallonia without getting you lost, I can state that Scaldis Noel is a pretty amazing beer.

Scaldis Noel

After a dark and murky pour, my first taste consisted of a lot of sweet malt, followed by the taste of raisins and dark fruit.  There was a little bit of licorice in the finish and also, slight heat from the alcohol. This beer could be easily downed without a hint of the 12% ABV.  That's scary.  It's also why it's so good.

I love Belgium.


What's on the Grill #257: Beef Skewers with Angry Orchard Apple Ginger Chimmichuri


11 Beers to Christmas