10 Beers to Christmas: Struise Tsjeeses Reserva

Belgium has a monumental amount of great beer. Tonight’s entry is no different. Tsjeeses Reserva from Struise Brewery in Oostvleteren, Belgium…and no, don’t ask me for pronunciation.

10 Beers to Christmas: Tsjeeses Reserva

Tsjeeses is a Belgian ale aged in bourbon barrels. With notes of brown sugar and dark fruit, there is a great undercurrent of spice. There is also no denying the lingering addition of the bourbon barrels, too. This is a great winter sipper, and although it warms the body as it slides down the throat, the 10% abv goes almost unrecognized.

A great beer.


9 Beers to Christmas: The Audacity of Hops


11 Beers to Christmas