Updates from the grill

With the kickoff to summer upon us, I’ve been going full tilt and grilling up a storm.

Getting ready for smoke.  #WSM #unserioustimes

If you are not already following the blog at Weber.com, be sure to check out my posts on breakfast for the grill and meals for the rotisserie.  I don’t know about you, but I love when the day starts with a grilled breakfast.

Speaking of things that spin, here is my video on rotisserie chickens.  Remember, skip those rotisserie birds at the store and grill your own in the backyard.  The minimal effort is well worth the results.

Coming up, I plan on writing about our recent trip with friends to San Diego.

Bottoms up, sun down

It was full of food, beer, aircraft carriers, and whales.  Not necessarily in that order and mostly not all at the same time.

Beer by Sunset

I am also looking forward to sharing some more video projects.  As I mentioned, the grills have been getting quite the workout.  Times are good!

Grilled brunch through the viewfinder.

One final note.  Charcoal is one sale this weekend.  At most big box stores, it’s nearly half off.  If you haven’t already, get out and get stocked up!


Note: The video above, as well as all of my work at Weber.com, is compensated.  The charcoal grab is all me.


Happy Memorial Day


Planked King Crab Legs and Grilled Lobster Tails