Samuel Adams: Kosmic Muther Funk

I had my first Kosmic Muther Funk (KMF) experience two years ago.  Here’s what I wrote:

When Todd first described KMF, it took me twice to register what he was actually saying and then a few tastes to appreciate what it was.  KMF is a special ale aged in oak tuns.  It truly is kosmic and funky.  I can only guess about its Mother.

My Favorite Room

It is there, three large Hungarian oak tuns, each assembled by hand, hold what the brewers at Samuel Adams call Kosmic Muther Funk, a Belgian ale fermented with wild yeast and bacteria.  

Tun #2

For the last two years, KMF has been the backbone of the Samuel Adams Barrel Room Collection.  Each recipe holds varying amounts of KMF - sometimes obvious, sometimes not, but always good.  KMF is an incredibly distinctive and complex beer.  It is probably the first beer which really turned me on to sours.  Now I can’t seem to get enough.

 While previously only available at the brewery, Samuel Adams is releasing KMF, pardon my pun, to the wild.  Through the end of the year, KMF is going on the road to 11 different cities across the US, with a 12th “People’s Choice” city to be determined.

While I was lucky enough to have my own bottle of KMF to taste, I’m already trying to figure out when I might be able to experience it again.  If the KMF tour isn’t close to you, try the next best thing, one of the Samuel Adams Beers from the Barrel Room Collection.

Samuel Adams: KMF

Note: My friends at Samuel Adams were kind enough to provide me a bottle of KMF.  It tasted just as good as I remember it.


Relatively Wordless Wednesday


Relatively Wordless Wednesday