Mike Lang

Breaking the Cold Snap

Mike Lang
Breaking the Cold Snap

After last year’s brutal winter, there’s a reason I’m celebrating high temperatures in the 30s. Even though it is still the dead of winter, I just cannot wait for spring. While the cold weather doesn’t slow my grilling down, warm weather certainly makes it more enjoyable.

Cold Snap

Speaking of change, while I tend to frown on the ever creeping early arrival of seasonal beers, I’m more than happy to see Samuel Adams Cold Snap back on store shelves. Surely it must be a sign!

Cold Snap, a Belgian-style white ale, is a great in-betweener beer to wean me from the heavy stouts of the holidays to the pilsners and lagers of spring. To celebrate not only the release of Cold Snap, but survival of the coldest week of the year, Samuel Adams will be tracking Twitter conversations across the country January 18-24. The cities, that complain the most, will win a series of parties to help break out of the winter funk.

Cold Snap

To see where your hometown ranks, check out their “cold” map. To join in on the conversation, use #SnapTheCold on Twitter. While 30 F is nice right now, I’m suddenly thinking it’s not. We could use a party around here.

Note: Samuel Adams provided me with samples of Cold Snap, which I promptly consumed. I really want to see Dayton, or even Cincinnati, win one of these parties.