My Morning Team

I slept fairly well last night...although not as good as I thought I would seeing that we didn't go lights out until midnight local time, 9 PM back home. I began to think that the island had some funny new smell, then I realized it was just me. Apparently not showering after 36 hours can take its toll. I just thought it was the festival goers.

I love the fact that you do not need window screens on the island. The insects are so mild that you do not have to lock your home down to keep them out. There is also a nice open window next to the shower. It allows me to peak out and see what is happening on the street below. "Good morning, just me up here showering and exfoliating!"

Which reminds me, allow me to introduce my morning team: Shed, Slick & Lube. When I say I am "exfoliating"...I mean only my head. Eric first turned me on introduced me (better phrase that right...)to the Headblade products several years go. I have never looked back. Although I always say my head is "low maintenance", I mean once it is actually shaved. It takes a little bit of time to properly exfoliate, shave and shine, but the results are well worth it.


Quick Drive into Ryde


Quintessential English