What’s on the Grill #128

Leftover Pizza Night!  Or more specifically, pizza made from leftovers!  The impetus for this entire thing started with this post by Dave over at Weber_Cam.

Some weeknight, I'm going to make a 12" pizza with nice bubbles and a beautiful airy crust. If you want to follow along, put 2 cups flour, 1 cup water, 1/2 t dry yeast (any kind) and 1 t salt (regular or 1.5 t kosher) in a container, mix into a ball, don't bother kneading and toss in the fridge until about Tuesday night. It's gonna be awesome.

Well as things tend to go, as in “not according to plan”, I missed Dave’s update until Thursday.  It turns out he was not happy with his results and better yet, I still had a bowl of dough sitting in the fridge.  I decided to let it right and over the weekend I let the dough sit out one night.  I then punched it down and placed it back in the fridge the next morning.  Tonight (Monday) I decided “what the hell” and put it to use.

Leftover Pizzas

The dough was really springy, and I had a hard time pounding it out (Be sure to check out Dave’s video).  I think each pie was only about 8 inches in diameter when it was all said and done.  For the toppings, I used the leftovers from last night: sausage, onion, pepper on top of a base of mayonnaise (yes, mayo…trust me on this).  For the other pie, I used pesto, pancetta, prosciutto, and feta cheese.

The only downside of the night was when my “pizza stone” cracked on the grill.  It has had a fissure forming for some time and tonight was the stone’s final journey.  Fear not though, it was only a natural stone tile and I got it from Lowe’s.  I will soon have another.

I love Dave’s use of parchment paper under the pizzas.  I went with the paper route and steered away from the screen that I have so come to depend on. 

While in the grill, the pizzas puffed up like the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man.  This is out of ignorance, but I am guessing it must be a product of the incredible long proofing time.  The results were great.  The dough was unlike anything I have ever made before. 

Now there is no way I can plan pizzas a week in advance.  However, I can stay tuned to Dave and see whatever he cooks up next.  Now just to put that baguette pan to use that Dave and Andrew always talk about….


What’s on the Grill #129


What’s on the Grill #127