What's on the Grill #154

Grilled Pan Fried Mahi Mahi with Tequila Salsa! Well winter has arrived in southwest Ohio. Although I grill year round, I certainly enjoy the grill more when I can hang out by it in shorts, a t-shirt, and a rum based cocktail with a small umbrella versus mad dashes in and out of the house dressed like I'm on a North Pole expedition. Does cold weather stop me from grilling? No. However, a gas grill that doesn't light does. It was only in the mid twenties last night, but for some reason I could not get the Summit to light. It's on natural gas, so this wasn't a case of an empty LP cylinder. Needless to say, I had no time to start charcoal, so it was back into the house (and the warmth) I went.

Fortunately, this recipe was easily adaptable to my second favorite cooking surface: the cast iron skillet. But wait, before the fish, we have to knock out the salsa, which was a mixture of diced pineapple, red pepper, onion, cilantro, mint, and essence of Sammy Hagar, to wit: tequila.

Tequila Salsa

The cast iron skillet was pre-heated to medium. The Mahi Mahi filets were rubbed with olive oil, salt, and pepper. With the skillet at temp, I dropped a dollop of butter which melted across the surface. I then placed the fish. The filets cooked for about 3 minutes a side, until they flaked with a fork...or in my case, the side of a spatula.

Grill down, pan up

The filets were served up on warm plates, topped with the salsa and a side of rice. In the end, the meal worked out great and I stayed warm. Better yet, today the grill fired up with no problems. I guess Mahi Mahi was destined to be pan fried after all!

Pan fried mahi mahi with tequila salsa

What's on the Grill #155


Friday Food Faves