
When I started this blog back in 2006, I never expected it to amount to anything other than giving me the ability to say, "hey, I've got a blog". In fact, Another Pint Please started off more travel blog versus the grilling, beer, photography mash-up it is today.

As time went on, I used APP as a place to document my backyard exploits. During this process, I have met some great people (IRL and otherwise) and I believe, learned a lot about food, grilling, and beer (and not just because of consumption, mind you!). This has always been a hobby for me. The only professional training I ever received was from the guy at ACE Hardware explaining how to fill up a propane cylinder.

Internally, I have always felt my writing suffers from a grammar standpoint. This I hang entirely on my 7th grade English teacher who through her inability to teach, stunted my understanding of the English language. This train wreck of a learning experience explains why, still today, I grasp with dangling participles, misplaced modifiers, and commas.

So, imagine my surprise when I was contacted by two editors who wanted to hire me as a freelance writer for a new magazine. Hitting Barnes & Nobles and Wal-Mart Supercenters across the country this month is Grilled and yours truly is involved. For the first issue, we used some historical content from this site including a recipe and pictures. Better yet, one of the pictures was used for a Stephen Raichlen recipe!


Starting with the next issue, I will be writing original content. I am excited, but nervous at the same time. It is easy to kick back and upload a grammatically disastrous post about a frivolous topic of my choosing. It is something else to have an assignment, deadline, and an editor. I feel especially sorry for the editor.

Next time you are at the store, pick up an issue. I am not just saying this because I am in it. This really is a great magazine. I still have not had time to absorb the entire issue. There is some great content and some great pictures. I am really proud to be a part of its launch.

In closing, I would like to thank you. If it was not for my circle of food bloggers, friends, and weekly readers, I would not have had the encouragement and support for this blog. I also need to thank Zoe. She puts up with enough from me as it is and here I am adding one more thing to my "to do" list! I owe you all my thanks and gratitude for giving me the ability to have this new venture. Grill on!

What's on the Grill #175: Cod-Kabobs


Here’s to a Great Memorial Day Weekend!