2 Beers to Christmas

Urthel Hop-It.  As they name subtlety suggests, this is a hoppy blonde ale.  It was really quite good.  All of the typical Belgian characteristics with a good bit of hop bite. I liked it and since this happened last night, that’s all I remember.  Sorry.

2 Beers to Christmas

Anyway, besides being the 12 Beers to Christmas, this has also unexpectedly been the 12 Days to Consistent Internet.  Time Warner was back out and confirmed my suspicions: squirrel(s).  Along with some 10 year old tech across the street, a squirrel along with her fiendish friend Mother Nature, tore the hell out of our drop.  With the problem fixed (the cabling, not the squirrel), we are back up and running.  It’s a good thing too. I have one more beer to go and prefer it be on time!


Merry Christmas


3 Beers to Christmas