What's on the Grill #205: Planked Duck Breasts

Lake, Sky, Plank, Plate....or what I call, how my dinner arrived.  As I returned to my hunting friend's never ending freezer space, I put together a last minute dinner miles ahead of everyday chicken breasts.

Marinate the duck breasts in two cups of beer, in my case a porter (which I'm surprised I still have left in the keg).  If you breasts are skinless, like mine, the marinade will make up for the lack of fat and skin.  Towards the end of the two hour marinade, prep the grill for indirect heat.

I am using a plank and since I'm not soaking it and cooking it indirect, I placed the plank directly over the flame to heat the plank and release the cedar aroma. Watch this carefully, as dry planks can catch fire...fast.

With the plank marked by the flame, move it to indirect heat.  Remove the duck breasts from the marinade, pat dry and season well with salt and pepper.  Place the breasts on the plank, lower the lid and allow to cook for about 30 minutes.

Planked Duck Breasts

With duck, I shoot for medium rare, around 135 F.

Duck Breast and Veg

My duck was served up with some sauted brussel sprouts and sweet pepper.  The duck was sweet, tender and a million times better than it's land loving friend, the chicken.


What's on the Grill: Video Pilot Episode


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