-1 Beer to Christmas

It should come as no surprise to regular readers of this blog, I can't count.  You would think the time tested and fairly universally understood process of counting down to something would be foolproof.  As a child, I managed to put up the proper ornament on the advent calendar.  At NASA, engineers understand to get to blastoff, they have to successful navigate subtracting from the number 10. Better yet, millions of people across this country watch crosswalk signals indicate in sequential numerical order, the number of seconds left before remaining in said crosswalk exponentially increases the odds of meeting a car in less than stellar circumstances.  But, no.  For some reason I put beer into a countdown and everything falls apart.

Perhaps it was originally having 14 beers for a 12 day event.  Zoë still believes I did this with purpose, but I swear it was completely accidental and in reality, probably sheds some light as to why I botched the countdown in the first place.  More than likely, it involved counting down from a number that meant I had to use not only my fingers, but the toes of my right foot.  So, here it is the 13th beer in my 12 day countdown, St. Bernardus Christmas Ale.

Beer for Christmas

I was thankful to have my brother, Matt, around to share it with me.  This is a beer I look forward to every year, so it made it even more special to have it with him.

To my most excellent readers, thanks for hanging in there with me for the countdown.  I know it's not every year you can be involved in a countdown that goes into negative numbers.  For those of you who prefer the posts of grilled food, to those of beer, fear not, I have several things on their way.

For wherever you are in the world and for whatever you celebrate, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and more importantly, cheers!


Operation: Draft Tower


Merry Christmas