Sam Adams, Mighty Oak Ale

I love the pending change of the seasons, as it invariably means new seasonal beers.  Enter Samuel Adams Mighty Oak Ale.

Mighty Oak Ale

I have to admit, I really wanted to love this beer.  In the end though, we parted as friends with the hope to get together in a couple weeks.  Not exactly the fireworks I had expected.

Everything started off great, too.  The beer poured a beautiful ruby red color and was topped with a small head.  The nose hinted of vanilla.  My first taste was more vanilla, malt and an oaky woody finish which really stuck to my lips. The beer had a rather thin mouthfeel and also an interesting sourish cherry note, which I couldn't completely place.

The last note to myself was "not bad, but not great".  I would like to revisit Mighty Oak again in the future.  Preferably in a couple weeks because, you know, he promised.

NB: Samuel Adams provided Mighty Oak Ale for me to review.  Also, for all of you arborists out there, I am well aware the tree above is a Maple, and not an Oak.  I've cleaned enough of its leaves out of my gutter to know.


Is there a game tonight?


Brew Day: Jambalaya Edition