Ethiopian Spiced Smoked Short Ribs

When I make short ribs, I almost always grill them Korean style by filleting them out and cooking them fast.  A couple weeks ago, my friend at TheBrewingCook had a post where he smoked the short ribs whole.  I was intrigued.  I'm not sure why, but I have never smoked them without a little butchering action.  So, when I stumbled on some great looking short ribs at the store, I knew what I was in for.

Short Ribs on the Saffire

Smoked Short Ribs

by Another Pint Please

4 short ribs, about 2 lbs

1 Tbls pepper

1 Tbls kosher salt

1 tsp paprika

1 tsp Ethiopian spice

1/2 tsp garlic

1/2 tsp dried ghost peppers

1/2 tsp coriander

Ethiopian Spice

First, a few notes.  I had a friend supply me with a few special ingredients, namely the Ethiopian spice and dried ghost peppers.  For substitution, you can add dried jalapeños for the ghost peppers.  For the Ethiopian, I have no idea.  It's some crazy earthy, spicy stuff.  I suppose the easiest way would be to leave it out.

I opted to go to the Saffire since smoking was in order, so I prepped it for indirect.  Anything will work: kettle, gas, just make sure it's indirect.

Mix the rub ingredients together and then rub the meat.  Be sure to hit all four sides.

Rubbed Short Ribs

Place the ribs on the grill and smoke for about four hours.  The short ribs are thick and need time for that delicious fat to render.

Short Ribs

They can be either smoked dry or wet.  Part of me wanted the crazy spiced rub and the other wanted that, and some tangy sauce.  I couldn't decide, so I went 50/50.  

Short Ribs and Sauce

They turned out great.  Although I love the flavors when I go Korean, a straight up smoked short rib is really something to behold.  Sauced, or not sauced, they are great for dinner.  Oh, and if you can find, or make, some Ethiopian inspired rub, do it.  I loved it.  

So, how do you like your short ribs?


Raise the Stein


Tenacious Traveler