It's getting hot out here

I'm finding it difficult to believe it's early December and I've been outside this week wearing shorts.  Yes, shorts…in December.  Nothing like having my pasty white legs illuminated by Christmas lights.

The summer in winter weather "forced" me to change my evening plans and grab something for the grill.

Red Sky by the Saffire

It also "forced" me to grab a beer for dinner.  Since it was so warm, I opted for something summery, as it just wasn't the type of night where I felt like reaching for a porter.

In keeping with the warm weather theme, I opted for The Bruery's Trade Winds.

The Bruery - Tradewinds

As trade winds pushed ships from port to port, the same winds that ushered in my warm evening pushed this Belgian tripel in front of our Christmas tree.  

Trade winds is brewed with rice and Thai basil.  The basil inclusion intrigued me.  The beer poured with the a typical big multi finger "Belgian head."  The color was a pale orange.

As I stuck my rather large nose into the glass, I detected bread, banana, and a bit of spice.  My first taste was more banana, accompanied with orange.  The basil came more towards the end.  I thought it wasn't rather pronounced and actually quite subtle.  The finish brought a last wave of spice.

This was an unusual beer.  It was a really good Belgian with an interesting twist, even though the twist wasn't that interesting.  Although I didn't walk away wowed, I  still found it enjoyable.  I was also wearing shorts.  In December.


Angry Orchard


Samuel Adams Boston Lager Cut