Relatively Wordless Wednesday: Wisconsin Edition

Dad was born and raised in Dubuque, Iowa. Dubuque is a stone's throw from the Wisconsin state line and a stone's throw, with a slightly stronger arm, to Potosi, Wisconsin.

Dad's large family and German heritage meant one thing: a love of beer. When my grandparents married, Dad told me they all went to work after the morning service and then after the whistle blew, rolled out a keg of beer for the wedding party. That is my kind of day.

Team Potosi

Potosi was a popular beer in Iowa in the early 20th century. In fact, the brewery has been around since 1852, putting it at almost 80 years old at Dad's birth. Knowing Dad's fondness for it, I picked up an original Potosi can a couple years ago. I found it on eBay, and it still sits in their kitchen. I'm not exactly sure how Mom thinks about this, but hey. I think it looks cool.

Potosi = Beer

On a trip back to Iowa, last week, Mom & Dad went up to the Potosi Brewery and brought me back a "gift pack." I had a feeling Dad was getting something. Zoë confirmed it when she called to question why my Dad was sneaking out of the backyard while I was still at work. Since the grills were still safe, I figured he left me something. I was right. It was a great catch of Potosi beer.

Potosi Pilsener

So far, I have had the Czech Pilsener. It is a rather easy drinking lager. Perfect for a warm Iowa summer day, or in my case, a late Ohio fall day thinking back to my Dad's youth. After enjoying this midwest sampling, I have a sneaking suspicion I need to take Mom & Dad back to Iowa next year. Perhaps they will let me visit the brewery with them.  Perhaps.


Grilled Rack of Lamb with Roasted-Shallot Vinaigrette


Stein Hoisting Time