12 Beers to Christmas: Holland Oats

Hard to believe, but it’s time for the 12 Beers to Christmas.  For the last four years, Zoe has graciously presented me with a box of beer to countdown the days to Old St. Nick squeezing his butt down our chimney, which, unfortunately for him, leads to our furnace and not a fireplace.  

Every day I sample a new beer and try to take an interesting photograph.  Did I mention this is my fourth year in doing this?  At this point, when it comes to taking the pictures, the “interesting” part is getting a little tricky.

12 Beers to Christmas: Holland Oats

My first beer is based on gimmick alone: Stillwater Artisanal’s Holland Oats.  What is there not to love about the wordplay and label?  While I thought about working some of Hall & Oates' lyrics into this post, in the end I decided I can’t go for that.  

The beer poured dark brown and murky with almost no head.  I could taste caramel and a little bit of apple.  Quite a full mouthfeel.  It really wasn’t what I was expecting, but still quite good.

I think I’m of to an excellent start. 


11 Beers to Christmas


Making Merry: Samuel Adams Merry Maker